6 Ways You Can Save On Baby Furniture
1. Shop early
Do not wait until the third trimester to start stocking the nursery. Start shopping when you are only a few months into the pregnancy. That way, you have plenty of time to get fantastic deals. Now that you will not be in a hurry, it will be challenging for you to spend more money on an item than necessary.
2. Remember that baby furniture is temporary
Your child will only be in the nursery for a few months. Therefore, the kind of crib you buy might not matter in the long run. Do not overspend on purchasing the items as it might be uneconomical.
3. Make long-term purchases
Instead of buying a small-sized bookshelf or a small dresser, buy bigger ones that your child can use for long. Go for functional and uncomplicated furniture pieces. You can buy black and white pieces which you can repaint according to your taste.
4. Do not overbuy
Consider the size of the room before buying the furniture. Select the most important items if you feel that they cannot all fit in the available space. That way, you will only buy the important stuff instead of buying unnecessary things. Make sure that you have enough room to move around after fitting the furniture inside the room.
5. Customize inexpensive pieces
You only need a few dollars to customize your baby furniture. Therefore, avoid the expensive customized ones. Instead, go for the reasonable, plain pieces and decorate them to your taste.
6. Rent out furniture between children
If you already had your first child and will not be using the furniture until your second child, rent the nursery furniture to a friend. That way, you will earn money to replace the one you used in purchasing the items while giving your friend a good deal. Ensure you get back the furniture in time for your little one, and scrutinize the furniture for any damages.